Ringneck Hunting Preserve
Ringneck Hunting Preserve

Turkey Hunter

Opening day gobbler!

Hunting Landscape

Prime Habitat: Hemlock, Spruce, Pine, and tons of standing Corn.

Turkey Banquet

Winter Turkey Banquet! This is what brings them in and keeps them here.

 Wild turkeys have established themselves well in the area and it's common to see flocks of up to twenty to thirty birds at a time. Mild winters, heavy mast crops of oak and beech and light hunting pressure have all contributed to population increases. Birds congregate in our area feeding on planted food plots of corn, sorghum, buckwheat and millet. Adjoining state hardwood forests also provide both food and cover. We have the birds if you have the patience and skills to hunt this elusive bird.

New York State Turkey License Required!

 The area encompasses over 400 acres of prime habitat for turkey. Food plots consist of corn, sorghum, buckwheat, and millet is planted throughout Ringneck Hunting Preserve. Cover consist of alfalfa, clover fields, wild apple orchards, hardwoods, and conifers.

  • $50.00 per day.
  • Additional Charge of $50.00 per turkey harvested for habitat improvement.
  • We do not provide guide service. You are basically on your own.

Your Hosts
Ray & Deb Kalwara
56 Olkowski Road
Candor, New York 13743
(607) 659-3208

E-Mail Ringneck Preserve

Season 2024-2025
Open To The Public
September 1st thru April 15th

Pheasant Hunting
Chukar Hunting
Quail Hunting
Deer Hunting
Turkey Hunting
Photo Album
Directions to Ringneck Hunting Preserve
Contact Ringneck Hunting Preserve

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Ringneck Preserve Ray Kalwara © 2003 - 2024